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Open Circle: Story Arts and the Reinvention of Community

This book is for changemakers, artists, and everyone who cares about thriving community. Decades of artistry, observation and research converge in Open Circle. Dr. Richard Geer and Dr. Qinghong Wei bring forward major insights and sophisticated practices about story arts and reinvention of community. Richly illustrated with project examples and stories, this book will take you on a fascinating journey about how to engage stories and arts to create generative space for creativity, relationship, and transformation.

Story Bridge: From Alienation to Community Action

Written by Dr. Richard Geer, Jules Corrierre and colleague, this book is a practical manual for anyone who wants to engage the community by collecting stories from local people and creating a transformational performance. It serves as a road map for practitioners who want to bring force community change through storytelling and theater. As a matter of fact, many communities start their Story Bridge project by coming to our training workshops and getting this succinct book.

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We share tools and resources to support you to apply the Story Bridge method in your work. These tools include guidelines for story gathering in your community, examples of how to integrate Story Bridge in various disciplines, easy to read documents to help your community see the power of story performance, and more.

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In our YouTube channel, you will find many useful visual resources, such as interviews, documentaries of major productions and workshops, as well as storytelling videos. Use these videos to learn about Story Bridge, introduce the process to your colleague and community, or share them with your students as case studies.

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Social Media

The online community of co-learning and co-creating. We share project updates, upcoming events, co-creation activities, webinars and livestreams. Be part of our online community, interact with us and participate in Story Bridge. Check out our latest Facebook feeds below.

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